What: Sherlock Holmes
Who: Robert Downey Junior, Robert Downey Junior, Robert Downey Junior, Robert Downey Junior, Robert Downey Junior oh, and Jude Law, Rachel MacAdams and some other guy called Mark Strong
When: December 26th
I have a question for you, my non-existent followers, what's better than Robert Downey Junior? No, the answer is not "nothing" (smart asses), the correct answer is "Robert Downey Junior with a British accent" (oh... how I like Robert Downey Junior... *sigh*)
I saw Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes last night and I really liked it. I mean, come

I also liked Jude Law as Watson (although I stand by my belief that he's just a bad version of Ewan Macgregor). Oh... and Sherlock Holmes? Don't get me started on him! He was like a CSI, a scientist and a detective, all wrapped in a gorgeous, eloquent, scruffy and toned package... I'm sorry, what were we talking about?... Oh right, hum... so the story revolves a super evil villain (Mark Strong) with pseudo-supernatural powers, his alleged resurrection and a lot of ass-kicking (I'm not going to spoil the movie for you, just go to the movies and enjoy yourself)
So that's about it, it's an amazing film (I think the movie critics at Rotten Tomatoes are a bunch of stuck-up snobs: 48%, really? Are you on crack?), really entertaining, funny and full of mystery. I advise everyone to go see it, especially teenage girls...even if it's just to see what a real man looks like.
Oh, and I have one last question (it's a tricky one): What's better than Robert Downey Junior with a British accent?... Robert Downey Junior speaking french (which he does...in the movie...you should really go see it)
Rating: Awesome!
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